Friday, December 12, 2008


Fragmente Komuniste

Ne naten e zeze te vuejtjes shekullore
Vdekja kish varun vargonjte e zymte
Ndersa ujqit e terbuem nga etja thertore
Qingjin e bardhe e kafshonin n'gryke

I thane, "mos i len flok't e gjata"
U pergjigj, "Keni t'drejte"
I thane, Mos fol se do te te
U pergjigj, "Keni t'drejte"
I thane, "mos tento te
arratisesh se do t'fusim
U pergjigj, "E keni gabim
njeriu nga burgu
tenton me ike"
Mandej asgja s'i thane
(e vrane)

....Ju qe ishit dje dirigjente
te nji valle makabre
me buzeqeshjen tuej Sadiste
e mbytet Shoten Shqiptare
Ndersa sot me tekstin e vjeter
mundoheni te luani notat e nji melodie te re
per te ndryshue ritmin tuaj
te nji muzike funebre
por vallja-vallja mbetet po ajo
dhe dirigjentet ma te sofistikuem
dhe ne-,oh, na jena prap "ato"

KANGE Shkodrane

Tuj mendue per ty moj vashe
mora rrugen e mergimit
kujtoj diten qe te lashe
me lot n'sy prej pikellimit
me lot n'sy, me lot n'sy
me lot n'sy rinia m'shkoj
me lot n'sy,me lot n'sy
me lot n'sy per ty mendoj
sec po tretem prej merzise
tuj medue per ty moj vashe
m'kalojne vitet e rinise
ne mergim tuj u plake

Nji kange thura per te dy
si kujtin i dashnise sone
qe iku,treti , u ba hi
shpirtin djeg e pervelon
nji kange thura per ne te dy
fajtore kjo bote qe s'pat meshire
me lot, mall e brenge ne gji
u ndame e tretem n'erresire

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Nese bota do ishte me te vertete e rrumbullaket
atehere perse njerzit kerkoje qe te arrijne majen e saj,
padyshim qe forma e globit a nji krijese e mbinatyrshme
per te i kujtue njerzimit qe kurre te mos vete-kenaqet
**********************Gjergj Lacuku*************************

Me pershkrue Ameriken a si me u gjet mbrenda nji pylli
te dendun me peme shume te nalta;
mundesh me ju preke vetem trungun.
*****************Gjergj Lacuku***************************

C'po ndodh me ty Shqipni

C'po ndodh prap me ty Shqipni?
me shpresat e andrrat e nji kombi?
po luhet, po luhet me ty Perseri
ah, mjer i drejti e lum hori

a mbush pushteti me hipokrite
qe vec emnin kane Shqiptar
mafjoz,politikane e bandite
secili sa ma shume me marr'

Ku je

Odisea i kohnave tona

Ku je sonte dashuni?
m'duket qe s't'kam pa
qe nga koha e Odisese;
mallkue kto ujna
kto dete e oqeane
qe na ndajne ne mes;
-pa shprese

mos vall' pritja e pafundme
asht e vetmja bark shpetimi
nga permbtytja e lot've
qe na solli mergimi.

Farewell Shkoder

Farewell, my darling Shkoder
cradle of my joy and happiness
will I see you again, I wonder
or be lost without trace?

I have roamed many lands
like a man with no home
but you,my Shkoder, are always
in my heart and in my soul

there are cities of wonders
like Rome, Paris and New-York
to me , you darling Shkoder
are the best in the world.

Dimen ne Florida

Thojne n'Florida nuk ban dimen
as ka bore as akullnaj'
por pa Ty moj lulja ime
Dimen asht qe kur kam ardh'

le ta dije pra e gjithe bota
se pa Ty pranver' nuk vika
drandofillet qe ka Shkodra
jo nuk gjinden ne Forida

My Christmas in childhood & today

As we grow up, our lives change and with that our thoughts, dreams and future.However, what remains still the same are those unforgetable moments of our childhood days.What I remember the best and the most are my childhood Christmases.Therefore,going back to those memories, I see that my Christmas of today is different from that of my childhood in various ways.
First of all, I grew up in Albania, a country where religion was outlawed;therefore,celebrating Christmas was not easy.Nevertheless, I remember Christmas time as a time of family hapiness.My parents tried to do anything they could to make my Christmas a time of joy and pride, embodying in me the true meaning of my own religion which was outlawed by the communist government. In contrast, today I am able to celebrate my Christmas freely here in the USA. It gives one a great joy, regardles of their religion, when hearing people saying to each-other "Merry Christmas". In my childhood, there was no Santa Clause or any Christmas decoration of any kind.
While in America or in other parts of the free world, Christmas captures the attention of everyone,in my childhood Albania there was nothing that would remind me of Christmas.Since religion was abolished,there was nothing about Christmas,neither in the media nor in the city streets of my country.The only sing and atmosphere of Christmas during my life in Albania was inside the house because it was highly risky to celebrate it publicly.Also, I remember that I could only exchange Christmas gifts with my family members, relatives and close friends.
Another way that makes my Christmas of today so different from those of my childhood is that I am away from my family and friends. Although I do have everything to make my Christmas the best time of the year, I still miss that simple joy I had when I was with my family. In contrast of my childhood, the Christmas of today seems to go by so quickly that soon is forgotten by the fast pace of my life.
Regardless of the differences in my childhood and today, Christmas will always remain the best time of the year, a time that brings with it happiness, joy and inspiration. In one way or another, Christmas reminds us who we are and serves as a revival of our own human values

I Burgosuni

January 17
I Burgosuni
Bie shi,gjimon stuhia
ushton moti ane e mban
mbyllun n'burg me shkon rinia
lidhun n'pranga duer e kamb'

dhe nji zhurme kur degjohet
me trondit, me mbush me ankth
shpirt e zemer m'dritherohet
prej torturave qe fund s'kan

hapet dera, hyn xhelati
me nji mask qe mban ne kry
ferkon duert porsi Pilati
si guxon me u quejt njeri

mure t'errta ly me gjak
nji errsine plo trishtim
ah, moj dere; kurr mos u hap!
bahu rrase e vorrit tim.

I kushtohet gjithe atyne qe hoqen kalvarin ne burgjet e tmerrshme komuniste vetem se kerkonin ate cka natyra na kishte dhurue: Lirine, te drejtat themelore dhe te pamohueshme, por ne nji sistem te kuq sadist ne jetonim ne mbretnine e Had-it.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Syte e Pagjume-The sleepless eyes

Nen tingun melodioz te valeve Atlantikase
per ty e dashtun sonte do kendoj
do ta derdhi shpirtin tim ne pentagramin e valeve,
Merre!-atje ne bregun tjeter prej vetmie
me ngrotesine e ketyre fjaleve
nderto nje kasolle dashurie
si shtegtarin e pastrehe shpirtin tim strehoje...
.... me valet e oqeanit me duket se po vjen Ti
si nimfe, si pellumb
oh,sa te doja te te kisha prane
ne netet me uragane te Florides
te me i qetesoje syte e pagjume



Per Ty nga thellesite e shpirtit tim
buroje fjalet ma t'pastra
Per Ty syte e mi jane diell qe shndrrit
ne ditet ma t'vranta
Per Ty qenja ime bahet oaze me hije
ne Saharane e vetmise
Per Ty zemra ime kthehet ne burim dashurie
per te ta shue etjen e mangesise
Per Ty zema ime i ka hapur dyert e saj
qe gjithmone mbrenda te te mbaj

June 2000

Lot i ndarjes

Per ty mendoj e dashtun
n'skaj te botes ne mergim
prej vetmise zemerplasun
si mund t'gjej valle gezim?

S'i harroj dot syte e tuaj
qe aq ambel me shikonin
"mos me lene keshtu te vuaj"
ato sy mua me thonin

kur erdh' koha qe u ndam'
s'doja vetes me i besue
dy-tri pika n'faqe m'ran'
perzie bashke met lot' e tue


Friday, January 11, 2008

Emigranti e Vendlindja

Kam me u tret' n'kurbet te zi
kam me vujt' me kja si fmi
por un' kurr s'kam per t'harrue
O vendlindje, toke e bekue

Nga Giorgio
chi va piano-piano,va sano e va lontano

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Nata e arratisjes nga Shqipnia


Nata e ikjes

Mora rrugen e largimit
Ne nje natë qe binte shi,
Me zgjidh prangat e mjerimit
Qe duer-kambe mi kishte nxi.

Tue kalue telat me gjemba
Edhe andrrat paten frike.
Nder këto tela vete vdekja
Bante roje nate e dite.

Ne mesjeten komuniste
Per ne lulet s'kishin erë.
E ne heshtje zemra thërriste-
Per pak drite ne ket' sketerrë.

Per mue ikja s'ishte kange
Qe te këndohej nder gëzime,
Por ajo mbeti plage
qe me djeg e me jep dhimbje.

Life-la vita-Jeta


Jeta vazhdon pa marre parasysh ate qe iken dhe ate qe do vije.Jeta nuk njeh kufij,as natyror as njerzor.Ajo asht e paligjshme dhe mund te baje cdo gja pa ma te voglen frike.Ajo mund te te coje ne majat ma te nalta te lumturise dhe mbrenda nji sekonde mund te te shndrroje ne qenjen ma te dhimbshme.Ajo nuk njeh meshire dhe as njianeshmeri,ajo asht e drejte dhe e padrejte. Ajo te merr ne krahet e saj, te ledhaton, te ngreh lart dhe ne momentin qe ti qesh dhe te mbushen syte me lot gezimi,ajo te leshon dhe te perplase ne humnerat e saj a thue se ti nuk ke ekzistue kurre.Ka pasun raste qe ne momentin ma te kandshem te qetesise shpirtnore dhe mendore,bash njatehere kur je kene tuj pi kupen e kenaqesise, ashtu paprite te ka godite me dallget e saj ma te furishme dhe ta ka trete kupen nga dora.Kjo pra a jeta.Ajo nuk ka moshe.

Te vorri i Babes

Nji grusht dhe mbi vorrin tand
po ta hjedhi lehte-lehte
ah! ky dhe kenka i rand'
ma i rand' se i zi kurbet

Erdha sot un fluturim
per me t'thane lamtumire
edhe pse jam larn n'mergim
prap do kthehem,prap do vij

Un' e di se s'kam per t'pa
dersa t'jem gjalle mbi dhe
shi i madh kur ka per t'ra
dojsha t'bahem per Ty streh

kur do kthehem nuk e di
kushedi se c'kohe do jete
por me vrap do vij te Ti
pa ba zhurme, lehte-lehte

E prane deres se perjetshme
nuk e di se c'ka do gjej
bar te gjelber mbush me lule
apo ferra tej per tej?

Larg tokes nane
Ishte nji dite vjeshte fund Nandori 2006.Qielli i New-York-ut ishte i turbullt dhe majat e nalta te gradacelave tue perfshie edhe State Empire Building sikur kishin humb nen mjegullen e dendun.Shikimi i Zefit ishte i tretun ne vorbullen e mendimve qe e mundonin pa pushim.Kete radhe Ai po nisej per ne aeroportin JF Kennedy,jo si heret e tjera tan gezim, e shend e vere ,tue mbajte n'dore kafen e tij te preferume nga "Starbucks". Kete here ishte ndyshe. Ai po rrinte ne heshtje dhe vetem zhurma e trafikut Njujorkez e bante nga nji here te fliste si percart. "Move it, move it" donte te thoshte me nxitim. Indiani, shoferi i taksise, nji buure i vogel me emnin Patel e pyeti Zefin me nji theks karakteristik indian,"Where are you from, sir?" dhe zgjati qafen e tij te holle ne pasqyre per te pa klientin e tij. "I am from Albania" u pergjigj Zefi. Indiani e kuptoj nga qendrimi dhe zani i pasagjerit te tij se dicka nuk ishte ne rregull dhe u mundua qe ta fuste Zefin ne bisede. E cuditshme kjo Amerika-vazhdoi ai. Ju Shqiptar e un' Indian takohna ketu n'mes t'Amerikes. Asht vend i mire Amerika, por pak e larget e sidomos per ne Indianet. Na duhen dy dite per me mbrrite ne vendin tone.Por asnjihere nuk bahen te tana te mirat bashke-vazhdoi Indiani. Vitin e kaluem Nana jeme ndrroi jete e nuk mujta me shkue ne kohen e duhun per varrimine saj dhe me ka mbet marak qe do me mundoje tane jete teme. Ne kete moment, Zefi harroi cdo gja dhe u prek shume nga fjalet e Indianit te qete dhe vuni re se si do pika loti rrodhen poshte faqeve te indianit me emnin Patel.Zefi u mallengjye nga kjo koincidence e cuditshme dhe me vedi tha se te paktem un' po mbrrij ne kohe per te marre pjese ne varrimin e babes tem, por nuk mujti te i permbante lotet.Ma ne fund u gjend te aeroporti.



Gjergj Luigji Lacuku was born in Albania in 1971.His childhood and teenage years years were spent under the most repressive regime in Europe.His country was ruthlessly governed by a Stalinist style, carried even farther by the tiranny of Hoxha's regime.However, Gjergj never gave up his hope and dreams that one day his beloved country will be free from the iron fist of communism.Gjergj was determined to do his best in a society where its doors were closed for the members of dissident families.In school, he tried for excellence and soon excelled everyone.Seeing no future of whatsoever in his homeland, he embarked on e very dangerous mission. In November 1990, he escaped from Albania as the communist regime was doing everything possible to hold on to its power.Passing the border was a matter of life and death, but this time life had guided Gjergj in its path to save him from the murderers of a bloody regime.Gjergj always carries in his memory those brave people who dared to challenge the red beasts.He thanks God that made his escape possible and with deep respect remembers those fallen heroes that never made it on the other side. In Gejrgji's mind there was only one place; "Eldorado- La Terra Promessa.Listening to "Voice of America" radio station during the communist reign, played an important role in nourishing him with a great love for American socitey. The day to experience the American dream seemed to close in his horizon.He was amazed that people of different cultures, backgrounds and religions were able to live in peace ,harmony and understanding.Gjergj posesses a great admiration for foreing languages and literature.He is a member of the "International Society of Poets" and the "Albanian-American Writers Association." Since 1994, he lives in Florida and works for Citigroup Company.


Poetry( In English)

Life In Communism

We were born in darkness
fed in darkness
walked in darkness
spoke in darkness
thought in darkness
slept in darkness
woke up in darkness
lived in darkness
died in darkness
and survived in darkness...
In the Red darkness.

This poetry has been selected to be published by the "International Society of Poets" in its antology titled"Immortal Verses"

The Escapee
(dedicated to those who escaped from tyranical regimes, especailly the ones that lived under the communist system)

With a heart divided in two
we live in a single world
In between, the invisible wall
shaken incessantly by the waves of yearning
Here is not our place
the world is cut in half
our voices are not heard,
our language?, oh! nobody undersatnds
our hearts are in two opposite edges
neither sky not earth know their location
our hearts belong to a silent world
and in its bed they slowly die.

This poetry has been published by "International Society of Poets" in "Who is who in Poetry" antology in 2004.

March 1997
(My country was on the brink of a civil war as a result of armed uprising of the remnants of the communist regime who managed to take the power on their hands)

Why the Sun has become dark?
and the Moon sheds no light
all the flowers are muorning
new-born babies shivering

in this March there is no Spring
the nightingale is not singing
and the flowers have turned pale
because death hanging in the air

My nation's suffering is too old
that no one can really describe
my homeland's new turmoil
a self-accusation for ingnorance

Europians have been appalled
watching in disbelief
children left with no toys
instead, guns, fear and grief.